Join us for in-person worship Sunday at 9:00 a.m.

Virtual worship will now be a permanent fixture at Grace moving forward, so if you are not yet ready to return, the Facebook Live option will continue to be available.


Please join us for coffee between the services at 9:00 a.m. in the parish hall.

This is a great time to see and greet old and new friends, and we genuinely encourage all visitors to join us during this time.


Our nursery is open from 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon on Sunday mornings. All children aged infant through 3 years old are welcome to stay with the nursery attendant as their parents attend the morning worship service.

The nursery is located on the first floor of the parish hall. Please feel free to ask an usher or any member of the church to assist you in locating the nursery.

We are fully accessible

Our church building, parish hall, pavilion, and parlor are all handicap accessible. Please do not hesitate to ask an usher for assistance or directions if needed.

In addition, handicap accessible parking is available in our parking lot and on Hardie Street, immediately adjacent to the church.


Our parking lot is located immediately across from the church at the corner of West Lang and Hardie with the entrance and exit located off of Hardie Street. Visitor parking is located on the front row nearest the church.

Handicapped parking is available on Hardie Street.